Mirror 7 of 2020 28 Sep 2020

Thomas Heine-Geldern Message

Dear Friends,

Recently, just a few weeks before his death, the 90-year-old Catholic priest and noted liturgist Philipp Harnoncourt asked his bishop for permission to be dispensed from the recitation of the Divine Office, but promised at the same time to continue, despite his frailty, to pray the Rosary every day.

Surely this is a resounding affirmation of the importance of the Rosary, which enables us to contemplate the mysteries of our Faith through the eyes of the Mother of God? Indeed, we are strengthened by the knowledge that this prayer unites us as Catholics around the world. It helps us to find inner peace and focus on what really matters.

Whenever I succeed in praying the Rosary with real devotion, I experience a sense of being enfolded in God’s love, and joy in being brought, together with many others, closer to Jesus with the assistance of Mary. We do not want to become like a badly fatigued athlete, burnt out by overstriving in prayer, but we should always seek security and serenity in God’s presence.

May the next generation also find this peace and serenity – and to this end I would ask you to support the initiative “One Million Children praying the Rosary” with your own prayers, and at the same time to spread the word about this wonderful campaign!

With my grateful goodwishes to you all,

Thomas Heine-Geldern (Executive President, ACN International) 

The Mass is the most effective prayer that could be said on behalf of those who have died. ACN can arrange recurring annual Masses for your dearly departed loved ones.
Mirror 8 of 2020 19 Nov 2020
National Director's Message
Mirror 8 of 2020 13 Nov 2020
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